Thursday, December 13, 2012

What's good for the goose...

I often hear people who self-identify as liberal and/or Democrat complain that Republicans are right-wing religious zealots or some form of the phrase. They often are horrified that Christians force their beliefs on others. There are calls to remove prayer and the pledge from schools and God from the pledge.

But, what about the liberals who want to increase taxes for everyone? Is that not, in a sense, forcing their beliefs on others?

If you think that individuals should pay more taxes, but I don't agree, shouldn't you just go right ahead, open your check book and add a few zeroes to your IRS payment? I don't believe you would be prohibited from giving the government more money.

It just seems incredibly hypocritical to me to insist that certain groups keep their religious beliefs to themselves, but that other groups feel entitled to push their beliefs or demands onto everyone. 

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